Families Moving Forward (FMF) is working with the Adult Leadership Committee of FASD Change Makers to create an app for adults with FASD. The app, called My Health Coach, is intended to assist adults with FASD in daily life. FMF, which is simultaneously developing a smartphone app for families with children with FASD, has completed My Health Coach’s initial design and is looking for adults with FASD to participate in a short study to provide feedback.

Participants will complete a short online form to check their eligibility. If so, participants will receive a Zoom link and attend a 90-minute focus group meeting, where they will see and discuss what the app looks like. Each participant will receive a $25 gift card as compensation.

For more information, you can call Dr. Christie Petrenko at (585) 275-2991.

To sign up, go to https://is.gd/fasdapp or https://redcap.urmc.rochester.edu/redcap/surveys/?s=LMJKTWCFHL or email emily_speybroeck@urmc.rochester.edu.

©2024 Orchids FASD Services of Wisconsin, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Orchids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Orchids is the FASD United Affiliate in Wisconsin.

This site is provided to families and professionals as an informative site on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). It is not intended to replace professional medical, psychological, behavioral, legal, nutritional or educational counsel. Reference to any specific agency does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Orchids FASD Services.
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